God's love for humanity is scripturally understood through his encounters with the people of Israel. In the prophecy of Isaiah (62:1-5) which is read in today's first reading, God assured his people that he is eternally interested in their wellbeing: "I will never rest until your vindication shines out before the whole world." Today's gospel narrative of the wedding feast at Cana is a good example of God's love for humanity.
Wedding feast is a symbol of the feast that God has prepared for his elects. The wedding at Cana is peculiar in the sense that wine which is the symbol of merriment was lacking. How can people make merry without wine? It was at this point that Mary and Jesus. The result was that more than 120 gallons of water became wine of high quality. In this way Jesus is shown as one who promotes joyful celebrations. The miracle was the first sign that Jesus worked at the beginning of his ministry. The old wine, sign of the Old Testament was finished, and Jesus brought a new wine, sign of the New Testament. Jesus was, therefore, inaugurating a new era.
We are the New Testament people like the couple of Cana. We, like them, are called to invite Mary and Jesus into our feasts (lives). Jesus wants to promote our joyful celebrations, but he does not force himself on us. He needs to be invited: "I stand at the door knocking. If anyone hears me and opens the door for me, I will enter and feast with him" (Rev. 3:20).
How does one invite Jesus to his/her celebration? The scriptures show that we can do this in three ways: prayer, Word of God, and righteousness. When we pray together, we invite Jesus to our company for he says: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst." Jesus is equally present in the scriptures. When we read, meditate and hear the Word of God we directly invite Jesus into our lives. According to John: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." Building our life on the Word of God is building it on God. It means being with God. Finally, righteous living is the culminating point of prayer and Word. The way to verify the sincerity of our prayer and our knowledge of the Word of God is our practical life. When we live by the Word of God we live in his perpetual presence and his blessings envelope us. You certainly want the wine of celebration not to be lacked in your life and household.
You certainly like your water to be turned into wine. God is willing to do all these for you if you would invite him.