Children are back in school now, and the year is off to a great start! I so enjoy visiting the classrooms and playground. One of the highlights so far was sharing my summer reading with our middle school students, reminding them of the importance of continuing to learn and seek wisdom all throughout our life. Pretty soon, as the weather begins to cool off, we’ll have some fun events at the school for our whole community to enjoy, like Hispanic Heritage Month and the Halloween Carnival.
In just a couple of weeks, our regular programming will have all resumed: Faith Formation on Sundays, Confirmation classes and Youth Ministry on Wednesdays. Our weekly Bible Study group is already back in session via Zoom, and would love to welcome new participants. And our OCIA class (formerly “RCIA”) also meets on Wednesdays, so if you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic or needs to be confirmed, get in touch with us!
I’m also very pleased to share that we have re-done our parish website. Perhaps you’ve already seen it, but if not, please take a look! Our theme is “We Are One,” and we highlight some of the sources and fruits of our unity: in the Lord, in Worshipping, in Serving, and in Giving. We have a wonderful parish, and I’m excited to be able to spotlight our unity, and eager to continue to cultivate it and let it flourish all the more!
Towards the bottom of our website homepage, you’ll notice a module where you can enter your name and email address and/or mobile phone number to sign up for Flocknote. This is a great way to help us keep in touch with you and share important parish news and opportunities. Please consider signing up for Flocknote so we can keep you in the loop.
Finally, as we prepare for another great year here at St. Elizabeth, we are still in need of some great volunteers to help make it all possible. Would you be willing to sing in one of our choirs? Or perhaps help count the Sunday collection once a month? Do you have time to help lead children to Christ on Sunday mornings? We are especially looking for volunteers for our Youth Ministry team this year. Please contact me if you’re willing to help in one of these capacities. And even if you can’t commit to volunteering at this time, please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the growth and success of our parish. Thank you!