In 1997, Pope John Paul II called for the promotion of Consecrated Life throughout the Church by declaring February 2, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, World Day for Consecrated Life (WDCL). The celebration, therefore, becomes an opportunity to thank God for the gift of the Consecrated Life, to reflect on the role of Consecrated persons within the Church and to pray for an increase in vocations to the Consecrated Life.
The choice of the feast of the Presentation of the Lord for the observance of the WDCL is significant, especially as seen in the gospel reading for the feast. In the persons of Simeon and Anna, we see the prototypes of the Consecrated Life. Simeon and Anna were devoted to the temple service; always worshipping God, praying, and fasting. They stand for all Consecrated persons who are devoted to the service of the Church in many ways and through various charismas. In the Virgin Mary who presented her only son to the Father, we also find a prototype of Consecrated persons who present all they have to God by professing the evangelical counsels of poverty, obedience, and chastity. In Jesus who also offered himself to the Father and made this offering visible in the sacrifice of the cross, we also find a prototype of Consecrated persons who offer themselves whole and entire to God and this offering is made visible in the sacrifices they make in their communities. The prayer, words and actions of Simeon and Anna brought home to us the impact of Christ’s dedication at the temple. In a unique way too, the prayers, words, and actions of these consecrated persons in their various apostolates bring home to us, the impact of God’s care and love made visible in the services they give.
Today, as we rejoice and thank God with all consecrated persons for the gift of their vocation, we pray for more graces to enable them to continue to offer their best to God and to the Church. The Church needs them not only as missionaries but as perfect witnesses to the Gospel.