With the embrace of modern nationalism and democracy in the West, sovereignty now belongs to the people, often represented by the state and its officials. So, how can we speak to a modern audience about the idea of God as king? Read more ...
A few weeks ago, I wrote to y’all about funerals and how we might live out well our responsibility to bury the dead. Today I’d like to re-visit that topic from a slightly different angle, namely: what should be done with our mortal remains after we die? Read more ...
Traditionally, we read the Widow's Mite story as a story about generosity. But I would like to reflect on it in the context in which Mark wrote it, as tragic evidence of religious exploitation of simple, suffering, and powerless humanity for which Jesus condemned the Temple religious establishment. Read more ...
Pope Francis recently published his fourth encyclical letter, entitled “Dilexit Nos,” which in English might be rendered “He has loved us” or “He chose us” (cf. Rom. 8:37). I am finding it to be a beautiful reflection on the significance of the heart, and how we find ultimate meaning in the love of Christ. I’ll share with you some of the insights that have stood out to me so far. Read more ...