This year is a year of Jubilee, as y’all have probably heard. Although this is my second Jubilee year as a priest, I must admit I’m still coming to understand what a Jubilee is and why we celebrate it. I’m writing to y’all with a beginning of an answer, in hopes that we’ll all come to a greater understanding of it as the year progresses. Read more ...
Today's gospel narrative of the wedding feast at Cana is a good example of God's love for humanity. Wedding feast is a symbol of the feast that God has prepared for his elects. The wedding at Cana is peculiar in the sense that wine which is the symbol of merriment was lacking. How can people make merry without wine? Read more ...
This weekend we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. Of course, His baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River is a bit different from the sacrament of baptism in the Church, as John himself alludes: Jesus Himself, in the person of the Church’s minister, baptizes with the Holy Spirit. I’d like to take this opportunity to reflect on the effects of the sacrament of baptism, and how we might live this gift well. Read more ...
Today is the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. It is the manifestation of the child Jesus to the gentile world. The Magi from the east saw a star and through their knowledge in astrology recognized that a King was born in Jerusalem. There are two points in my reflection today. Read more ...